
Are Double Degrees Better In This Economic Climate?

With an oversupply of candidates and a relatively small supply of jobs, the sport, fitness and aquatic sector is a tough nut to crack.

One of the best tracking sources for graduate destinations and salary trends is found at the Graduate Careers Council of Australia website.

The Graduate Careers Council of Australia places sport, fitness and aquatics graduates into the “Humanities” category in its Graduate Destinations Survey and shows:

  • 71.3% are working – not necessarily in their chosen field
  • 28.7% are searching for a job
  • 37% are studying.

I have always held the opinion that having a few ‘strings to your bow’ is a good thing when entering the job market. The sport sector is very diverse and employs both generalists and specialists. There are roles in finance, marketing, membership and HR for example, where no background in sport is necessarily required. Roles such as coaching, high performance and sport development would, on the other hand, require very specific sport experience and qualifications.

Within the context of the overall labour market, employment opportunities in sport are reasonably small. So, having qualifications that are applicable to other industry sectors as well as sport would make good sense.

RM – Sportspeople Recruitment
First Published 2017.

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